Posted in Different Thoughts


I’m thankful for tiny hearts and their natural inclination toward being loved.

I’m humbled to recognize my tiny heart has been inclined toward the Father’s Love, even in moments I am least aware.

I’m challenged by the seasons of parenting, and how our children incline themselves toward our love in different ways, each according to season. So often I’d rather give them the love I enjoy giving, rather than the love they’re seeking in that moment.

I’m thankful for the ways we are each pursued by the Father’s Love.

I’m in awe of the tender vulnerability shown in our creator becoming one of these tiny hearts, naturally inclined toward being loved by His own human parents.

I’m honest enough to know that I’m imperfect as a father, and I’ve not shown the love my children have needed every time they’ve needed it. I’m thankful for their grace.

I believe I have this in common with Joseph, meaning Jesus has experienced the wound of not being loved well at times. Our God knows our pain. He chose to experience it purposefully, even after seeing what humanity was capable of.

Even when Jesus was being loved imperfectly by His earthly father, it was part of His heavenly Father revealing love to all humanity – which now included Him. This offers an amazing foundation for Jesus to respond in His woundedness, as one who knows He is loved.

We know nothing less of ourselves.

And so again, I am thankful.

Tiny hearts – may we continue to lean in toward the Love we have always needed, and always known.

Happy Father’s Day.


Husband, Father, Pastor, Missionary, Writer, Poet, Friend, reader, coffee enthusiast, hockey Wing-Nut, musical participator, etc...

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